Early this morning I’ve attended a meeting chair by the Deputy General Director on deciding item to purchase by the department. The result from the meeting gave me more head edge since it requires me to do more assignment. Fuiyoo, last task pun masi lagi paning kepala then datang lagi task baru.. Huhuhu… But its okay coz they gave me time till next tueasday to submit the purchasing report ^@$##!*-. So, I looking for some excuse for my self to release lil bit of my tensions then I called up my contractor friend for a lunch. Then… jeng… jeng… jeng… Beer’s In The House… have a chit chat, talking crab, saying nonsense and it already 2.30pm. Drank 6 bottle I think enough then back to office n perform work wef headadge + dizzy..hahaha.. what a day. At the end i end up paying RM153.53 for 3 of us.
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11 months ago